who would have thought

So it turns out I love to cook. Maybe this is just me reacting as always to the people around me and wanting to be different. Currently I’ve been thrown back into a pile of people, most of whom can’t cook to save their lives, or think that cooking is limited to heating up a frozen dinner. And so I cook. Kinda wish I had my own kitchen, but the upside of being in a dorm means that housekeeping cleans said kitchen for me :)

This week I plan to make chicken curry, which I love, is easy to make, and is cheap. Also, I think I might try my hand at mking curry puffs and -wait for it- ondeh ondeh, because I just discovered gula jawa in a local grocery store. Now if only I had fellow Singaporeans to share the joy with out here in the midwest.

Also, I found the white radish stuff that goes into  chye tow kueh, so that is definitely on the menu for sometime this week, especially since I ALSO found bamboo steamers :) to top it off, the store had tahini and chick peas, AND i had lemons to use up, so that made a quick tupperware of hummus :)

Can you tell I’m in a good mood? Already in the last week I made a monstrous pot of spaghetti and meatballs AND mushroom/spinach/onion pastry thingies so that I wouldn’t have to waste money in the cafeteria for lunch everyday. I swear, cooking and knitting are the only things keeping me from going insane around here :P