break out the bacon

Sorry, haven’t been blogging much. What can I say, life has been rather uneventful :P

Just wanted to bring this to people’s attention though… an article in the NYTimes that discusses recent research showing that reducing the fat in your diet (from about 35%l to about 20%) does not make you any healthier (at least by their measures). ALSO, it shows that the proportion of fat in your diet does NOT in and of itself affect weight gain or loss. So there, Atkins.

Everything in moderation, of course… but tonight, we’re eatin’ some bacon! (or at least, some other tasty, albeit somewhat fatty, food)


  1. ac said,

    February 16, 2006 at 9:28 am

    May I recommend:
    For those times when you need inspiration :p
    I’m sure you’ve probably already come across that site at some point though.


  2. E said,

    February 16, 2006 at 9:46 am

    oooh… yummy. I will have to add that site to my list of things to mull over when bored at work.

    Also, as it turns out, we had crepes that night. yummy, heavy, crepes filled with turkey and honey dijon and bursting with all kinds of other goodness.

    Almost all other meals this week have been either cereal or leftover chicken curry from the big pot we made on Monday night. I must say, sweet potatoes (or yams, which seem to be the same thing in this country) go much better with chicken curry than regular potatoes. yummm.

  3. ac said,

    February 16, 2006 at 3:30 pm’ll be shocked how often we have chicken curry in my house. Mika likes it waaay too much and it’s easy to make :)

  4. moseswilbur said,

    April 25, 2006 at 10:06 pm

    They should make a bacon scented/flavored perfume. I think I’d marry the first girl I met who wore it.

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